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Jasmine Rose

Established in 2015 by Jasmine Rose, a Fort Worth, Texas native and founder and cosmetic formulator, Laws of Nature Cosmetics is a purpose-driven, independently owned and operated brand. Rooted in the belief that people deserve non-toxic options, the brand advocates for taking charge of one's health by using beauty products enriched with safer ingredients, enhancing natural beauty.
Jasmine's journey began in 2007 when her mother was diagnosed with metastatic Breast Cancer, which led her to extensive research, uncovering a significant connection between certain chemicals, like parabens in cosmetics, and the potential causes of Breast Cancer.
By 2009, Jasmine faced the challenge of finding a foundation that matched her skin tone, was free from harmful chemicals, and primarily comprised natural ingredients. Fueled by her determination, she took matters into her own hands, experimenting with formulas in her kitchen. This led to the creation of the original Liquid Foundation, a product that has not only become a best-seller but also a symbol of our commitment to quality and inclusivity. It not only beautifies but also improves the skin, being moisturizing, silicone-free, clean, vegan, and cruelty-free in inclusive shades.





Established in 2015 by Jasmine Rose, a Fort Worth, Texas native and founder and cosmetic formulator, Laws of Nature Cosmetics is a purpose-driven, independently owned and operated brand. Rooted in the belief that people deserve non-toxic options, the brand advocates for taking charge of one's health by using beauty products enriched with safer ingredients, enhancing natural beauty.

Jasmine Rose

Jasmine Rose, Founder


Jasmine's journey began in 2007 when her mother was diagnosed with metastatic Breast Cancer, which led her to extensive research, uncovering a significant connection between certain chemicals, like parabens in cosmetics, and the potential causes of Breast Cancer.
By 2009, Jasmine faced the challenge of finding a foundation that matched her skin tone, was free from harmful chemicals, and primarily comprised natural ingredients. Fueled by her determination, she took matters into her own hands, experimenting with formulas in her kitchen.


This led to the creation of the original Liquid Foundation, a product that has not only become a best-seller but also a symbol of our commitment to quality and inclusivity. It not only beautifies but also improves the skin, being moisturizing, silicone-free, clean, vegan, and cruelty-free in inclusive shades.




Established in 2015 by Jasmine Rose, a Fort Worth, Texas native and founder and cosmetic formulator, Laws of Nature Cosmetics is a purpose-driven, independently owned and operated brand. Rooted in the belief that people deserve non-toxic options, the brand advocates for taking charge of one's health by using beauty products enriched with safer ingredients, enhancing natural beauty.

Jasmine Rose

Jasmine Rose, Founder


Jasmine's journey began in 2007 when her mother was diagnosed with metastatic Breast Cancer, which led her to extensive research, uncovering a significant connection between certain chemicals, like parabens in cosmetics, and the potential causes of Breast Cancer.
By 2009, Jasmine faced the challenge of finding a foundation that matched her skin tone, was free from harmful chemicals, and primarily comprised natural ingredients. Fueled by her determination, she took matters into her own hands, experimenting with formulas in her kitchen.


This led to the creation of the original Liquid Foundation, a product that has not only become a best-seller but also a symbol of our commitment to quality and inclusivity. It not only beautifies but also improves the skin, being moisturizing, silicone-free, clean, vegan, and cruelty-free in inclusive shades.