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Blending Brush


Discover the perfect tool for a flawless finish with our Blending Brush. Made from vegan bristles, this premium-quality brush effortlessly blends your liquid, stick, and loose powder product formulas for a smooth, natural look. 

Pair it with the following products: 

Care Instructions

To clean wet bristles in lukewarm water. Apply a small amount of facial cleanser or antibacterial liquid soap to the palm of your hand.

Gently rub the bristles into a lather across your fingers. Don't rub the soap and water into the brush head's base; it will weaken the glue holding it in place. Rinse the bristles. Squeeze to remove excess water. Set aside upright on a paper towel to dry for up to 48 hours.

We recommend the brush be cleaned 1X per week.

All products are vegan & cruelty-free.

Discover the perfect tool for a flawless finish with our Blending Brush. Made from vegan bristles, this premium-quality brush effortlessly blends your liquid, stick, and loose powder product formulas for a smooth, natural look. 

Pair it with the following products: 

Care Instructions

To clean wet bristles in lukewarm water. Apply a small amount of facial cleanser or antibacterial liquid soap to the palm of your hand.

Gently rub the bristles into a lather across your fingers. Don't rub the soap and water into the brush head's base; it will weaken the glue holding it in place. Rinse the bristles. Squeeze to remove excess water. Set aside upright on a paper towel to dry for up to 48 hours.

We recommend the brush be cleaned 1X per week.

All products are vegan & cruelty-free.